What is SAPE'
My link video wathcing on youtube : https://youtu.be/bTZjemfTt9c SAPE’ Sape is the original musical instrument of Dayak tribe kalimantan, sape made of clay wood so easily formed following its unique shape. Sape string itself is generally only three strings only but with the development of sape technology in modification sehinnga have strings up to 10 strings and have electric spools that can be used using active speakers. How to improve sape is not much different from playing a guitar or harp that is in the way picked like playing classical guitar. Sape was first introduced by a musician named Jerry Kamit who is a legendary sape kalimantan. And then again popularized by musicians from east kalimantan the sub-tribe Dayak kenyah, he is uyau moris is a musician who continue college in Java land, then sape back sounded in early 2017 that is with the cover song faded - Alan Walker by uyau moris, then with his popular songs he continues to continue his work by reproducin...